It's winter which means I'm inside more which gives me that desire to make something...anything that might require scissors or a glue gun. It is time for the inner Martha Stewart that hibernates within me during the summer to be released.
Yeah right...I wish...I'm such a Martha Stewart wannabe (without the prison sentence part)...and if her "LIVING" magazine wasn't enough to make me feel like a completely inadequate "crafter", there are now a whole network of crafting bloggers out there that on a daily basis post their latest amazing creations. I could stop browsing through them and remain in my little world where I actually believe that I am the craftiest person on my block, but no...apparently I enjoy humiliation and pain.
But you know what, I just looked at the clock and realized that it is now officially my birthday and so for my birthday, I'm just going to play a little game of pretend. For one day, I want to pretend that my blog is one of those over the top really cute craft blogs and I'm going to post lots of really close up pictures of my "creations" (all of which have been copied from a magazine or blog, but never mind that) and my wish is for all my faithful followers to post a comment that says something like this,"Rachel, I wish I could be like you. No seriously, could you send me the tutorial for that craft because I want to make it so I can be just like you. Oh and P.S. you are so don't look a day past 18!" (Remember it's my birthday).
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Now that I've done that, all that time spent perusing hundreds of craft blogs has not been in vain, right? Never fear...there's more where that came from...Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I've got all kinds of ideas up my sleeve that I know you are just dying to see.
Yesterday, Jason reminded me in an oh so gentle way, that I have a knack for critical sarcasm. Could this be what he's talking about?