Yes, it's true. If you are like us, perhaps you thought it would never happen, but here we are...eighteen months...Well, technically she took her first steps at 16 months, but now she is officially choosing walking over crawling as her official mode of transportation. We don't know what took so long. We talked to the doctors and the only diagnosis they could offer was..."Stubbornitis". As you can see from the pictures below, she is healthy enough, she apparently just likes to do things in her own time frame.
12 years ago
Congratulations to Clarita! That is awesome. My kids were just the opposite-walking before they were supposed to-makes you crazy because they have 9 month brains and they have 18 month aspirations.
She's smart to wait!
Adorable! Adorable! Adorable! She is so proud of herself. I'm glad your mind can rest at ease now. Your baby girl can walk!
Hooray for Clara! Although, I don't feel I should congratulate you because as we all know, a toddler walking isn't exactly something to be happy about. I mean, you thought your life was insane before...?
Darling photos! She is gorgeous, esp. w/the marker. :)
FINALLY! I was wondering when that girl was going to walk! I wasn't worried, but she sure did take her sweet time. Love the pictures of her! Super cute! Maybe I'll actually get to meet her in person in a few months!
Way to go Clara!!!. Rachel, you just have to put pictures of her and Mary in their matching Easter dresses. Too cute. Clara is definitely a bow girl!
She is precious! Well, if I were you I'd be really happy to have a baby that didn't run around my house for the first 18 months. Josh was walking by 8 months and running and terrorizing by 8 and a half!
So cute! I LOVE that picture in the bath, perfect exposure, nice catch lights, and great boka (that's a japanese word that means blurry in the background--look at my photography jargon!) We had a great time here this wknd. You missed out on a big party! We'll see you soon though!
Reminds me of another little girl I know. Olivia didn't walk until fifteen months. She just wasn't into it.
Clara is so beautiful. Hip, hip HOORAY!!! Watching each child develop is so exciting.
She is so adorable! I love the marker picture...future scrapbooker, crafter extrodinare!
Oh my gosh, so Clara's cheeks are huge!!!! ha ha jk just trying to think of a comment for this post. Yes I do read them but again like people said to me I don't post much, same to you. You need to post more, and I promise I'll try and do better at comments. By the way Jason is awesome for always trying to keep in touch and call me randomly sometimes when he's coming home from work, really I'm not kidding. Tell him thank you, it means a lot.
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