Saturday, April 4, 2009


Clara can walk!

Yes, it's true. If you are like us, perhaps you thought it would never happen, but here we are...eighteen months...Well, technically she took her first steps at 16 months, but now she is officially choosing walking over crawling as her official mode of transportation. We don't know what took so long. We talked to the doctors and the only diagnosis they could offer was..."Stubbornitis". As you can see from the pictures below, she is healthy enough, she apparently just likes to do things in her own time frame.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wasabi Wars

The last time we had dinner group, the Wolfe's took everyone out for a ride on their boat on the Willamette in downtown Portland while watching the sunset. Sounds fun, huh?
I wouldn't know because I managed to get strep throat a couple days before. Pretty lame. I also managed to get an allergic reaction to some cleaning supplies just in time for the Wolfe's New Years Eve Party.

Worried that the Wolfe's might have me categorized as some crazy hypochondriac, I knew we needed to wow them when it came our time to host dinner group. So what better way to do it than with SUSHI!
Okay, so Stacey and Melissa weren't crazy about the raw fish, but they were good sports and we had a few good laughs while watching the boys play "Quien as mas macho?" with wasabi.

The beautiful spread.

Jason teaching Ben and Josh a thing or two about the fine art of sushi making...

Melissa, Stacey and RachelThe war is on dude!

Wipe away the tears...What Jas, can't handle a little wasabi?That's okay...neither can Josh!The guys really know how to serve up dessert...(nice touch Ben on using the cilantro instead of mint leaves...way to creative...oh and by the way, we really appreciated the crab in our ice cube trays...such a nice hostess gift.)